Friday, May 22, 2009

My Mom

So I was looking over my first post that kinda introduced me and I noticed that I don't say much about my mom. Well that really disappointed my because my mom is like my best friend and she is one of the most important people in my life. I go to her anytime I need advice and anytime I just need someone to talk to. If I just need to share my feelings, she is there to listen. However, it wasn't always like this because obviously enough I was an adolescent at one point and went through a phase where I was pretty much pissed off at the world. I know that it hurt my mom to see me make poor choices but she was there to help me learn from it and lead me down the right path. If I knew than what I know now I would know that she was doing what was best for me and I appreciate that tremendously. That phase of my life helped shaped who I am today and so without that period of time I wouldn't be who I am now.  So I thank my mom for helping me along the way. My relationship with my mom grew substantially over the past few years and I couldn't be more happy and I owe it to my mom and how she raised me. My mom is probably the strongest and most caring individual on this Earth and I couldn't ask for a better example of what a mother should be. I love her and hope to one day be just like her when I have children of my own.

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